Monday, December 15, 2008

Funny Jokes

First Man - I would like to buy a little house in the village to pass the rest of my life with a woman who i love.
Second Man - Why you don't do it?
First man - My wife don't give me permit.


Son - Mom, God is man or woman?
Mom - Can be man, also woman.
Son - Mom, God have black skin or white skin?
Mon - can be white, also black.
Son - Oh! I know, God is "Michael Jackson"


How a girl can merry a man who is handsome, rich, sensible and intelligent?
Enough to marry 4 times.


An aeroplane fall down in the african forest and three survivors captured by a cannibal tribe. The leader of the tribe told to survivors that "if you want to save your life, every of you must go in the forest and take me 10 fruits from the same species."

So, the three survivors run into the forest to search 10 fruits. Half an hour later, the first survivor arrive with 10 bananas.

The Leader - "you have to put inside one by one those bananas from your anus, if you change the position of your face or if you complain cause of pain, we'll eat you"

So, the first survivor, reluctantly begin to put inside the first banana, entered, the second banana also entered, but at the third banana, he complain for the pain. So, the cannibal people kill and eat him.

A few minutes later, the second survivor arrive with 10 berries fruits. (the berry fruit is too small). The leader told him to do like the first person. He though that it's so easy. So he begin to put it inside from the anus. The first fruit entered, also the second, also the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth everytime he can put it easily. At the nineth, he begin to laugh loudly. So, the cannibal people kill and eat him too.

The first and second survivors, after death,they meet in the paradise, the first survivor

ask to the second- "Excuse me, at the third banana, i really can't continue to do that

cause of pain, but, you can do it easily because your fruits are too small". The second reply him "me too, i though like that,but, when i saw the arrival of the third survivor with 10 watermelons''..............



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